Ultra Cosmetics

Cosmetics Skin Care: Skin Care Cosmetics with OXYGEN

FOREMOST Skincare Cosmetics Beauty carrying OXYGEN,
Anti-wrinkle Skin Care Beauty and Cosmetic Products,

Natural Skincare Beauty Creams, Rejuvenescent Cosmetics Skin Care Beauty containing
Perfluorocarbons (PFC).

These cosmetics, skin care, beauty, and health products we developed on PFC-based emulsions

have real biological rejuvenescent action due to the unique properties of PFC emulsion.

For more information about skin care, please click on the link title below:

If you need more information about skincare, you will find a very informative website at Ultra Cosmetics

| skin care | skincare | beauty | cosmetics |
| health | anti-wrinkle | rejuvenescence | perfluorocarbons |

 since March 01, 2002

Copyright 1994 - 2002.   Ultra Cosmetics